“Out of this World”
Yesterday was an interesting day alto nothing happened.
I don’t know what is going on with the vibrations. Perhaps there has been major frequency change, or major stepped-up frequency. I began to notice it yesterday afternoon and it just kept intensifying all evening and into the night.
I had written a story yesterday morning. Just an ordinary story about my Sunday. But for some reason as soon as I started to write my story I remembered my dreams. Which is rare for me these days. I no longer remember my dreams. I had written the first paragraph about the change in weather, and how shivery cool the house is for first time, and then I remembered my dream. And when I wrote down my dream, about being in the kitchen of my old tenement apartment on Lower East Side, and Deva (the daughter of the French woman next door) being in the kitchen, and asking Deva how old she is now. She was a young lady in my dream. I realized as I was writing it that she didn’t look one bit like Deva, who is a beautiful knock-out like her mom, but instead she looked like I would imagine a young Eleanor Roosevelt to have looked.
As soon as I wrote that I started to write what I am learning about the young Eleanor Roosevelt from Bill who is reading her biography. She is only 18 now, so I have learned about her till she was 18. I got very interested writing about Eleanor’s young life, but I forced myself to stop because I wanted to get back to writing about my Sunday. Altho I noticed I started up again before I finally went to telling about my Sunday. So then I wrote the whole story of my Sunday, and in the last paragraph I wrote about where Eleanor is now in her life. It fitted into the story because it is how my day ended. Bill came in for supper and told me while he was eating his dinner.
After I finished writing the story I began to fix all the typos. And in the middle of doing that I suddenly decided to move all the Eleanor Roosevelt stuff to end of the story, and take out all I had written about my dreams the early morning before I woke up. I had never changed things in my story before. I accept the way they came out. And I lied down in the sunshine for a little to think how to do this.
I found my 3 early paragraphs about Eleanor interspersed in the beginning of the story and moved them to the bottom. And was thinking about how to work them in, when Bill said “OK close your window, get your stuff, we're going swimming.”
So I grabbed my stuff but not my purse. I planned to come home and work on my story. And we had a nice swim. The water was just the itsiest bit too chilly for me, but it was still great. And it was a nice swim and the beautiful weather had started up.
And then I came home to work on my story and tried to read it thru once, and the oddest thing happened. I just went blank. Instead of being able to absorb my story so I could work on it, it was as if the surface of my mind had some coating on it, so that water molecules, instead of being absorbed into soft wood, just sat on top, as if there was something impermeable on surface of my mind. I couldn’t take in anything. I tried to read my story, and I couldn’t take it in. And I tried to work on the Eleanor Roosevelt parts and couldn’t, because my mind just would not click. The whole thing was like one huge blank. I never had this experience before. At first I thought my story must be terrible if I can’t connect to it at all. But it was just too odd what was going on in my mind.
So I gave it up and just went to lie down with a mystery. I really did want to complete my story before the day ended and send it out on email, because it gives me a thrill to write it, fix the typos, and send it out on email all the same day. And I like the idea my friends get it the same day I write it, even tho they may not read it. Still the very day I wrote a story it is there in the Inbox if they want to read it.
So even tho I knew the sensible thing was to just put it aside and work on it another day when my mind functioned, my desire to send it on email that day overpowered that. I came back and tried a few times. And finally, it was early evening. My mind had still not come back. I was still in that blank but I decided “so what!” I just moved all the Eleanor Roosevelt stuff to the bottom, fixed the typos in it, and sent it off. Still there was no way for me to read my story and absorb it in anyway, the disconnect was still total.
Then Bill’s friend Jim called just when I had started emailing, about the football game on Friday. And we chatted. He stayed on phone much longer than he usually does, he wanted to chat, and by the time the phone call was over, it was like a heavy sleep had crept over my mind. I could barely keep awake. But I forced myself to email my story off, and then I went to lie down with mystery again. And then all kinds of peculiar things began happening with my mind and with my mouth.
I have now had nearly all of the “ascendancy symptoms,” that is a short-hand name for peculiar physical symptoms which arise when we were being hit with big packet of energy and much higher vibration and frequency. The explanation given is the body is adapting to the much faster frequency. There are too many varieties of symptoms to name. And oddly enough each comes one at a time, you never have two at the same time, or very rarely. Certain ones occur regularly and some only come once. Soreness inside the mouth and the feeling you have bitten your tongue occurred once about 5 years ago, it lasted a long time then, two weeks. And oddly enough it came back last evening. And along with it some of the strangest thoughts I have ever had. My mind was in a whirl too.
It began off with what I had read in Gloria’s earth log the day before. She is the one who writes “Heaven Letters,” letters communicated by God each morning. In her Earth Log she writes her own spiritual experiences or her experience in life. And she said she is going thru a big change. That the night before she dreamed she was in her house and discovered there was a whole set of rooms up in the attic, like a whole floor she had not known existed. And the rooms were all covered with dust and the furniture was covered with dust. And she knew she was entering a part of her mind where she had never been before. And it was time to clean it all up and make it habitable. It was so disused she had forgotten it even existed.
And I remembered when I had a series of dreams like that too. Just before I left New York City, and after we first moved to the Tucson house. Altho it seems to me the last one of those dreams, my house had been transformed into a mansion, and all those rooms upstairs, which I was not aware existed, were now luxuriously furnished and absolutely beautiful.
I was very drawn to Gloria because I was surprised what we had in common. She was Jewish girl like me (but some things were different). Her parents were immigrants from Russia and Poland, she grew up speaking Yiddish. And her bothers and sisters were 25 years older than she was. And her parents were never around, her father had butcher shop and her mother worked. A young woman from the next town came to take care of Gloria when she got home from school. Also Gloria grew up in New England in a town, actually a rich town, where there were no Jews, but when they visited their cousins in another town, most of the people were Jews.
Like me Gloria’s parents were atheists and scoffed at religion. Like me Gloria’s dad said God was superstition.
She didn’t get interested in spirituality until her daughter gave her a tape of “Jesus Christ Superstar” and she watched it 20 times and became very involved.
Then she found “A Course In Miracles” on sale for 20 cents in a barn sale and tried to read it, and could not take in one word. Her eyes glazed over and she fell asleep and this happened 5 times. And then one day she started to read it and could not put it down. She read it four times and did the Workbook twice.
And then she began communicating with God, and started writing her God Letters on the internet.
My heart beat faster when I discovered Gloria was Jewish like me, and had read “A Course In Miracles” like me. Of all the channeled stuff on the net Gloria’s “Heaven Letters” communicated by God are in a class by themselves. They are so much more real than anything else. It takes your breath away.
I don’t know why thinking about Gloria now having her dreams about all those dusty gray unused rooms in unknown upstairs of her house, all those dreams which preceded my move to Tucson, provoked so much intensity. And then I thought about all the big changes others write in their earth log, after they post their channelings from Archangel Michael or whoever. Celia Fenn who channels Archangel Michael wrote her earth log. She just changed hemispheres, she moved from Cape Town to Holland. She just went thru the Fall Equinox two days ago and it is her second Fall Equinox this year, because of changing hemispheres. And suddenly it seemed like there was momentous change going on. Gloria is beginning a whole new chapter, and I know that chapter. And Celia changed hemispheres. And I could feel there was a big change in me too. But I didn’t know what that change was.
It was all odd and intense because it was a line of thought I never had before. And because by this time my mouth was totally sore, I was able to swallow, but Coca Cola stung my tongue.
Then Bill came in from listening to Monday Night Football on the radio outside and began to prepare his supper and I hung out with him, and that made everything return to normal again. His conversation was so in the world and I had been so out of the world, that it brought everything back to earth again for me.
But one amazing thing did happen. When I was lying on my bed, being so out of the world thinking of all these things, very softly, not loud at all, I heard bird call (and it was in the evening, it was dark outside) that was the prettiest bird call I ever heard in my life, such a lovely music.
And I remembered how the quail had arrived in my yard for first time about 3 weeks ago, 8 of them, and have been hanging out in my yard in the mornings ever since.
And it seemed special to hear that pretty bird song, just once, but so lovely.
But I have to admit when Bill walked in the house and everything settled down and went back to normal, and I read my mystery again after dinner, it felt good for things to relax and be normal. And I woke up to relaxed and normal beautiful morning, made the coffee, put up the dishes. But I still knew something interesting was happening even if I had no idea what it was.....