stories of my life in Tucson AZ and NYC

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Pacifica, CA by Felix Pasilis

Sunday August 12 2007 5:38 AM

I try to lift my own spirits

Dawn on the desert is pretty. Especially because my backyard is leafy green garden. It is pretty that the pearly light of dawn is showing such a pretty green world out there. I know the days have been brutal and the weather is wearing me down, but right now it is sight for sore eyes to gaze out at this prettiness. I like the pearly light, and also this soft velvety light green. A lushness of green is something we almost never have on the desert.

Hopefully the effect of this terrible weather will be ameliorated tomorrow when the kids start school. The swim pools change to winter hours and shut at 2 PM. And the college kids all arrive back in town, because the university starts classes next week. We sorely need all these signs of new activity. We really need the change in mind all of this will bring.

This evening the children will be putting their new loose leaf paper in their new notebooks, and choosing their outfit for tomorrow. 5 year olds will start school for the first time, they will be in kindergarten and be in school with the big kids. Tomorrow evening the big kids will all have a small homework assignment to do. So for a very short period tomorrow evening, a vibe of concentration will enter the atmosphere.

It is not that I am a school enthusiast or wish school on anyone, but our summer is definitely misbehaving. And if school will help to bring it in line, or to take a backseat, then I am all for the return to school. It is a long time before the relief of cool weather arrives the second week of October. No one can wait that long. So next best thing is to have our minds in another place. And school will accomplish that, because the idea of school is the antidote to the idea of summer. And our summer has gotten out of control. Even Layla, whose emails are always excited epistles about her newest projects for Access TV Tucson, ended her email yesterday with, I have had it with the heat and the rain.

The summer lifeguards all finish their job today and spend next week getting ready to set off for college. For some reason this year Syracuse is a popular destination. They don’t call it Syracuse, they call it New York. But when I ask “where in New York?” it turns out to be Syracuse. There must be a film school in Syracuse, I can understand no other reason why Syracuse is such a draw.

They have no idea what winter is really like, they have no idea that New York City is not close by. And it is hard for me to picture all these desert rats, who have only known heat, heat, and more heat, in big down jackets, two pairs of sox, mittens, wool scarves and wool hats.

But it will be a great adventure to be in this northern world. And they will have all the enchantment of northern lakes to swim in. Plus a world of trees, they have no idea what the world of trees is like. And probably the beautiful Adirondack forests are not too far away, they can canoe dreamily on endless lakes and look up at mountains. Or motor boat up and down the St Lawrence River. It is a world of water and a world of trees, they will love it. There will be snow in winter, and banks of wildflowers and lilacs in spring. And sweet tasting berries if they go berry picking.

Eventually our purple mountains will pull them back. But life is meant to be a great adventure and if Syracuse is where it will happen, great!

Love, Annie

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