hahaha the truth is we are all unusual desert wildflowers, junior high is when we try to conform, but it has a happy ending, we take the long way around and wind back at our true selves...
April 5th, 2009, Sunday, 9:10 am
“Junior High School”
8th grade had been quite a year for me. I had started out junior high school in a Rapid Advance class, which means doing 3 years of junior high in 2. My dad had done Rapid Advance way back when he was young plus skipped so many grades, that my aunt Ruth told me he graduated high school still in short pants. My mom did not want me to take Rapid Advance. She pointed out there are social things too, that because my birthday was April 4th and the cut-off date for starting school was April 30th, I was already youngest girl in my class and Rapid Advance would make me even younger, I would now be 2 years behind socially the other girls in my class. She thought that would be a mistake.
I had zero interest in any of her considerations. I didn’t even know what she was talking about when it was that time in 6th grade to take the test for Rapid Advance. It is a city-wide test, every 6th grader takes it every year. Rapid Advance was originally invented as a solution for overcrowding in NYC public schools. I don’t know when it started, very early I guess if my dad took it too, maybe when the huge immigration arrived. It meant doing junior high school in 2 years instead of 3. Everyone wanted to “make” Rapid Advance, I am not sure why now, I guess if you pass the test and make Rapid Advance it is like a Brownie badge, you are officially a smart kid. I don’t think I cared about doing Junior High in 2 years instead of 3, I couldn’t wait to start junior high. My idea of junior high was paradise because to me it meant being a teen-ager. I just wanted the ego of being labeled a smart kid and being in the smart kids class.
And I guess because all had worked out for my dad, he overrode my mom’s objections, I was allowed to be in Rapid Advance after I passed the test. All my cousins passed the test too, but I wonder if they took it. I assumed at the time they did, but now I realize they all graduated high school at the normal time, nobody skipped a year, and Rapid Advance would mean graduating high school year early.
But in fact I found Rapid Advance too hard. The work was too hard. I did not "get" French, I did not "get” science, which were both given in Rapid Advance but not given to any other 7th grader. And it was all I could do to understand the 7th grade version of geometry which was taught then. I knew I was failing and I had never failed at school before, I had been good at it. I became desperate and finally my mother realized what was going on and came to speak to the Assistant Principal and next day I was informed I was no longer in Rapid Advance, I was in a regular 7th grade class.
That might have been in the Spring. Since everything taught in my regular 7th grade class I had already learned in Rapid Advance, I just dreamed my way thru those last 4 months. I had to absorb the shock of what happened to me, my failure to be a smart kid. I saw all my classmates from Rapid Advance in the hall but kept away from them, I think I was ashamed. And I didn’t really make friends in my new class either. Altho I did become friends with Irene, she was an oddball like me, altho I was trying to fit in and I don’t think Irene was. We discovered we both liked to read so we would walk home from school together and talk about books. At that time I was just reading teen-aged romances which I took out of the school library, but Irene had read “Gone With The Wind” and kept raving about how great it was. So one day I took it out and read it too. I liked it.
When 7th grade ended, my mom said “regular 8th grade has a lot of special classes too, you can be in one of them.” The logical thing would have been to put me in Creative Writing, since writing was the one thing I could and liked doing. Maybe it was filled or maybe she didn’t want to listen to me, because she had enjoyed playing the flute so much in high school, she decided to put me in the orchestra class. And we spent that whole summer up in the Adirondacks with me trying to learn to flute.
And when 8th grade began there I was in Orchestra Class. And then my troubles began! That class had been together in 7th grade, was together now, and would be together in 9th grade. Each one played an instrument and they were all good at their instrument. However I had zero talent for music and zero talent for the flute. LOL again I was up against something which it was clear I would fail at. But that wasn’t my biggest problem with that class. My biggest problem was the year before there had been a very pretty girl in that class with very pretty clothes. And they had all tortured her to death and that Fall she changed schools. I wasn’t aware of it till I joined that class.
Altho I had remembered seeing that girl in the halls. I had liked all her petticoats. She would wear a skirt with many many crinolines, I liked it. But it didn’t take me long to find out that the previous year they had all worn “I hate Natalie” buttons to class, her name was Natalie, and made her life a hell. And I understood perfectly what went on because they were doing the same thing to me. My crime had been being in that smart class. They could have put two and two together and realized if I was no longer in that smart class, which now was a 9th grade class instead of an 8th grade class, it meant I couldn’t keep up, and I am sure they knew I had been taken out of it. But maybe logic has nothing to do with it. I don’t know why they made the decision to tear Natalie apart, maybe just because she was cute and dressed so cute, the ringleader of it may have resented that. And who knows, maybe it wasn’t because I had been in Rapid Advance that the ringleader got everyone after me. I always assumed that was my big crime but maybe I was just a new girl in class and there was bloodlust.
They tortured me for a long time and it was hard. I didn’t tell my mom, I didn’t tell anyone. But going to school was a nightmare for me. The instant I got home I put my nose in a book, I just wanted to escape. My mom didn’t understand and wanted me to go outside for fresh air. I refused. So finally she physically forced me off the couch where I was reading my book, and pushed me out the front door and locked it. And I just stood there. I guess you could say I had reached bottom.
And then one day the orchestra teacher had us each play solo so he could see how good we play. I was dreading it because I knew I could barely play at all, was faking it. The ringleader, Arlene, also played the flute, so did Marilyn Weiss. Marilyn Weiss was the best at flute, the ringleader was second. And really I was not in their class, I was in no class, I didn’t get music at all. And so when I had to play the flute alone, my terror came thru in every note.
And looking back at it now I wonder if that is what saved me. At the time after we put our instruments away and were on the steps Arlene came over to me and said “I really liked the way you played Anne, it made me cry.” And I said “thank you.” But it made no sense to me. I was a disaster. But now I think it liberated me. I mean I think the reason Arlene had organized “I hate Natalie” is because she had decided Natalie was stuck up, because she was pretty and wore pretty clothes. Arlene would have liked to be pretty and wear pretty clothes. She and Lynn were the two popular girls who got invited to all the boys’ Bar Mitzvahs, but I think Arlene was so popular by dint of personality. Lynn was a beautiful dresser and lovely girl. And I guess Arlene had decided I was stuck up because I had been in Rapid Advance. But after I had been such a colossal failure in music in the music class, a public failure, everyone in that class had held their breath in pure pity for me as I played. I guess Arlene felt it was no longer necessary to continue with my destruction. The torture campaign against me ended. Hahaha it turned out to be a wise move on my mom’s part to put me in that orchestra class after all.
Because very soon after that when I answered a question in science class right (we had Mrs. Simon for science, the same teacher I had had before in Rapid Advance for science when I could not “get” science and could not understand anything, now a year later I was starting to grasp what she was teaching) -- Arlene got excited when I answered the question right and asked me if I wanted to do science project with her. Of course I said yes. And she invited Lynn and Marsha to do it with us too. She and Lynn were tied because they were the two popular girls, and Marsha was included because she was Lynn's best friend.
And so we began to meet at my house on Friday nights, or whichever night it was, to discuss our science project plans, and we all became friends. And of course nothing could have been sweeter for me, after my long period of ostracism and torture, to be friends and have friends. We had a wonderful time at our science project meetings. We didn’t talk about our science project, that was quickly decided at first meeting, what we talked about was sex, which we were all hugely interested in.
And one Saturday morning we all went into the city together to the Museum of Natural History to look at their dioramas, we had decided to do dioramas for our science project. And we enjoyed that so much, we went back to the city another Saturday to go to the movies at one of the fancy movie palaces. We saw “Teacher’s Pet.” And then went for ice cream sodas across the street at Howard Johnson's. And another Saturday we came in to see “Bell, Book, and Candle” and had ice cream sodas again across the street. I don’t know who picked the movies, they were not ones I would have picked then, they were quite grown up. But interestingly now they are my two favorite movies, someone in that foursome had very good taste in movies.
Altho as a 12 year old, I did not become 13 till that April, my taste in movies ran to “Tammy” or “Roman Holiday.” I liked movies about runaway princesses or a young girl. “Teacher’s Pet” was about a very successful career woman, and it was in black and white, when I liked color movies. “Bell, Book, and Candle” was odd too.
I don’t think there are any words to describe my happiness that Spring. I was now included in my class. I became best friends with Marsha, we started to play squash together at the neighborhood playground. And I was getting interested in boys. The boys came into the handball court and that made it exciting. And Marsha’s great friend was Stefanie, they lived in same building, and Stefanie and I found out we had a lot in common. We both liked to read plus we liked each other a lot. I never did become close to Arlene or Lynn, a little closer to Lynn, but Stefanie and Marsha became my two best friends and I loved them and they loved me. And I stayed best friends with Stefanie all thru high school and to this day I miss her.
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