isn't this photo by Rusty heaven
I love it
my backyard is filled with dandelions too now, April is dandelion season on the desert
Today is April 14th
Rusty took his dandelion photos 3 days ago
and guess what! Priscilla, the cat from outside who Bill adopted
had her kittens the same day Rusty took the dandelion photos
maybe at the same time
How sweet of Rusty to bring flowers to the new mom and her 4 new kittens
I just discovered the new kittens now! they are right here in my computer room
in a back corner in midst of all my clutter
I kept hearing little mews while I was on my 'puter this morning, and wondered where the kittens were?
I had no idea they are here in my room, a few feet behind me
I got up for second cup o' coffee
and Priscilla must have left for a drink of water
And I saw them!!!
there are 4 of them 3 days old, two tiny orange ones, two tiny black ones, all cuddled together because Mama left
but stretching out with contentment, their little bellies filled, they had just been nursing
they are adorable, I fell madly in love with them
below is the tiny story I wrote year and a half ago when Priscilla had just arrived
(she arrived out of nowhere, a stray who walked in our backdoor, and made herself at home here)
I see in story I am calling her "the cat" so it is before Bill named her Priscilla
October 2, 2008 6:55 am
A cat adopted Bill
It’s a very pretty early morning on the desert in Tucson. We are blessed with the weather. Last year at this time it was still hellishly hot, instead now it is divine. In fact it is even a little frosty delicious right now in the very early morning, delicious like a fountain drink.
Bill argued with the cat a lot last night. He really does not come in to cook his dinner till quite late, and he decided to cook exquisitely, so he was in there long time. And apparently the cat was in there the whole time. I must have been in back room watching tv with doggie, but I muted all the commercials and during that silence I heard all of Bill’s arguing with the cat.
At first I wondered “who is he talking to in there?” and then I realized the cat has joined him in the kitchen.
As usual the cat won all the arguments, since practically the last thing Bill said to me before we both went to sleep is, “she got 4 cans of food from me, and tomorrow we have to bring in the cat food we bought which is still in the truck, I am down to one can.”
I find it so funny he thinks he can win these arguments. I hear him so earnest so serious laying down the law, saying exactly what he will do and will not do, and what she must do.
“Leave me alone!” I hear him say.
“Enough is enough!” I hear him say.
“I am not going to feed you again” I hear him say.
“I am cooking my dinner, leave me alone!” I hear him say.
“Stop winding yourself around my legs!” I hear him say.
“You are a nuisance” I hear him say.
This went on for quite a long time until she got him to feed her 4 cans of cat food. Then I guess she left to carry on her own life.
In afternoon he read his book on Roman history (he finds it fascinating about fall of Roman empire.) He read it all late afternoon (after we got back from swimming) in his art studio, while I was watching detective tv shows with doggie in back bedroom.
I got up once to fix myself a soda on ice and to my surprise, on the windowsill behind Bill, was the cat. She was there the whole time.
“Did you know the cat is behind you?” I asked.
“No” he said. “She is waiting for me to go to the kitchen, she wants her food.”
Or she might just want to hang out with Bill all afternoon.
She is a stray alley cat kitten, so she must be so strategic when she comes to house to hang out with Bill or get him to feed her.
Because of course THE DOG! It is like "Jack and the Beanstalk" when Jack has to hide under the giant’s wife’s skirts. Kitty has to come into house which has an OGRE in it.
Altho she doesn’t hide when she is discovered she hightails it out of it like lightning. In the evening Beanie patrols the back patio, so she can’t come in. Which makes no difference to her whatsoever. She simply comes in the art studio window.
She has brought so much mystery adventure excitement to our home. Really her coming is a great advent. We did not see hide nor hair of her all weekend, but there was a major cat party going on in some yard very closeby. Bill heard the screaming and caterwauling all Friday night, all Saturday night and all Sunday night. She is definitely a party girl.
And when she finally returned for food, Bill had to feed her 10 times, her party weekend gave her huge appetite.“She is starving” Bill said. That night she slept on Bill’s bed with him, and in the morning she was still so sleepy, she forgot to get up.
It wasn’t till doggie went in there to go under the bed for his morning nap and discovered her, that she had to fly out of the house. Bill said “what an awful rude awakening for her!”
All I know is it is thrilling to discover those beautiful huge yellow eyes staring at me, when I least expect it and in places I least expect. I go over to the plant table by the window in art studio to water the plants, and there are those eyes. She is lying on windowsill right outside it. And once on top of refrigerator. Which explains the mystery of why she knows Bill arrives in kitchen at the exact instant he does. She simply flies down from the top of the refrigerator, or wafts down like a feather.
Well on my political forum there are all new alliances and enemies. To my surprise I am actually liking this whole new forming of new alliances. I don’t mind that the ones I was in alliance with before now tell me I am the stupidest person on the planet.
I am finding it so interesting and enjoyable becoming friends with and close to and getting to know the posters in my new alliance. When I was in my old alliance these are the posters who made war on me, but now butter can’t melt in their mouth when they post to me. They sign their posts to me with ooooo and xxxx, we are having a love fest. Whereas before they were always trying to run me off the forum.
But you know how it is, when love springs up where love never was before, it really is special. I am thrilled with the new blossom of love with the posters who used to hate me before.
Plus some in my old alliance, that I hadn’t noticed before, for some reason they hadn’t been on my radar or come into my view, they are taking advantage of all these huge changes in constellations on the forum, to become my friend.
And I admit I adore them. There is always something so wonderfully special about a brand new friend. You are both in awe of the awakening of friendship and affection and communication. They could easily hate me too for my new views but they have made an opposite choice. To simply enter into communication with me. I love it.
A forum is such a microcosm of the world, and it is such a fun place to be on.
Love, Anne
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