stories of my life in Tucson AZ and NYC

Friday, March 19, 2010

Gremlins and bill collectors

tumbleweed (photo by Rusty Storbeck)

7/27/09 Monday
Gremlins and bill collectors

Well it’s Monday morning and I’m happy. Usually I’m not crazy about Mondays, it’s a transition. It’s nice to be relaxed and happy and realize it is Monday, instead of feeling a little off and noticing “it’s Monday and that explains it.”

Yesterday now seems like a dream-- maybe because after I got up at 3:30 this morning and fed the kitties and fed Beanie and put up the coffee and opened the windows in the truck, I slept in a little longer.

I did not do what I did yesterday when I woke up at 3:30. I was so delighted to be up in cool dark air that I just stayed up. I got the mail, I put up the dishes, I had my coffee and toast outside, I watered all the outside plants.

I had actually planned to work on my book when I first woke up, formatting it for publishing, but I picked up a week’s worth of mail, and one of the letters was from a collections agency which threw me for a loop. It must be from the same bill collector company which the guy called me from last week, since they want the same money $369.

It is all so mysterious to me because I finally figured out which hospital and emergency room visit this is for. It is 3 and a half years ago, and that hospital has sliding scale based on income. The bill was so reasonable when it arrived, I just paid it in full right away. I never got a separate doctor’s bill from them, I assumed it was all included. But according to bill collector, there was doctor’s bill for $300 which I did not pay, and which the doctor sold to bill collector, the $69 is interest.

What is odd too is I never got any letters from bill collector dunning me to pay. What I got was that awful phone call two weeks ago, that was the first I heard about it. And now sometime this week a follow-up letter from them arrived, a form letter saying since I chose to be uncooperative they are thinking of taking legal steps, and underneath was some kind of receipt thing, that I should enclose to them with my check for $369.

My first thought was to investigate it all. Call the hospital, have them look up the records. But I didn’t. When I called her at the time (back then) she said everything was included in the bill I paid, x-rays, doctor, everything. I paid it right away and never got any separate bills from anyone.

It makes no sense at all that I am now being dunned for $300, supposedly for the doctor who examined Bill during that visit. Which doesn’t add up since it seems to me the whole bill I paid was for $300, which is why I had been delirious with joy it was so reasonable. And would a doctor in hospital emergency room charge a low income patient $300 to look at his back. Nothing but nothing makes sense.

And would anyone pay a dunning letter like the one I found in mail box yesterday, which gives no information on it, does not give name of doctor, name of hospital, date of visit, service rendered. Merely said “since you chose to be uncooperative we are intending to take you to court.” Under that seems to be the file number they have for me at their dunning company and a place to write out the check to them.

And Jan, who has always paid every doctor’s bill on time and in full, has been getting strange dunning phone messages from bill collectors too. The message on her machine says “if you call us back we will charge you less.” Which Jan said makes no sense to her because "who would call back a bill collector!" Plus she doesn’t owe anyone any money.

Jan has been getting these odd phone messages same time I got my odd phone call and this letter, all over the past month. I get dunning phone call about a bill I already paid, paid in full, the instant it was rendered 3 and a half years ago; and Jan is getting dunning phone messages when she doesn’t owe a cent to anyone.

It has to be gremlins! what else could it be! the bill collection agencies now have gremlins in their system. They are under some gremlin attack!

I got this (gremlin) idea because 10 years ago I read Preparing for Contact by Lyssa Royal. The ET who communicated that book to Lyssa, or channeled it, Sasha, is in charge of contact. Sasha said a lot of preparation is gone thru before a planetary civilization finds out they are not alone in the universe. Sasha said it starts out with movies, dreams, popular songs, the idea of ETs is popped into popular culture in all kinds of ways.

After we are primed that way, next step is to show ETs are benign, they do spectacular rescues to help people. I guess รก la superman, save people from burning buildings etc. Sasha explained they can’t do that with Earth because of our “problem.”

Apparently way back in pre-history on our planet, the ETs were here and did wonderful kind helpful things, and the people who were on our planet then mistook them for gods, and worshiped them.

LOL apparently Sasha, who is in charge of contact, thinks we will make the same mistake again and is taking no chances. Which makes me laugh, since no way would I mistake an ET for God, no matter what spectacular abilities they have, or how magnificent their kind and helpful act. I know God, I know Who God is.

Sasha did tell in Lyssa Royal’s book about one planetary civilization which had a huge problem. It was time for them to be prepared for contact, to find out they were not alone in the universe. And so everything was done to prime them for it, to open their mind to this idea.

But they flatly refused. The more effort which was put into opening their mind to the idea, the more they resisted. Finally the pressure to open their mind to the idea and their resistance became too great, something had to happen to relieve the pressure.

Sasha likened it to the water going into a water hose being turned on full pressure, but that planetary civilization refused to let the water flow out. Sasha pointed out when that happens to a garden hose, it finally develops pinhole leaks to let the pressure of the water out. And what happened to that planetary civilization is that they had epidemic of gremlin attacks. That was how the pressure was finally let out.

So that is my only explanation now of why the bill collector agencies are flipping their lid, dunning Jan who never owed money on a doctor’s bill in her life, dunning me for a bill I paid on the spot at the time it was rendered 3 and a half years ago. Their whole system must be under gremlin attack.

It makes sense to me because the Mass Awakening scheduled for our planet is 2 years away now. The enormous pressure to choose love instead of fear, which is what the Awakening is all about. Who of us have not been under that constant pressure until we finally made that new choice, we chose love instead of fear.

And those people and agencies who are fear merchants, will no longer be on our planet after the Mass Awakening occurs. These people will have to choose love in order to stay here. If not, another planet is prepared, hologramically identical to Earth, for those who want things to stay as they always were, and do not want the new change. They will be offered they can go there, and have what they have always had.

Bill collectors are human beings, they have been under the same pressure as everyone to choose love instead of fear. They are fear merchants tho. Their activities and businesses will be suspended in 2 years. But the pressure to change for all has grown exponentially and continues to grow exponentially. I guess that pressure is now being released in bill collection agencies by gremlin attacks.

Which doesn’t mean the letter from bill collector threatening me with taking me to court, did not upset me, it did. To distract myself from obsessing over it, I did not go to work on my book, instead I went to my political forum. It was still only 4:30 in the morning here in Tucson, I had been up for an hour. I guess the juice wasn’t in it for my political forum tho yesterday morning. None of the topics really interested me. I posted what I could, answered posts when I could. And finally at 9:30 when the big heat arrived and I was sweating at my computer, I said to Bill “I am going in to read, that part of the house is cooler.”

I got the gremlin idea partially because Helen’s Higher Self said the day before on the phone, the change is so intense now, that things are folding back on themselves. She described it like looking at graph paper, all those tiny blue boxes, and said the lines are all being redrawn, they are now all about 1/3 off, or 1/3rd different from how they used to be. She said this means things which used to work before, like “work hard and get ahead,” don’t work now, none of the old ways work.

She said another effect is those we used to hate suddenly we love, and those we used to love suddenly we hate. I guess she means those we thought were our enemies, suddenly we love them, and those we used to love, there is a break.

I see this clearly on my forum. The poster Client 9 and I were in constant warfare all these years and now suddenly we can’t love each other enough, every post to me he has hearts love and kisses in it, and he always made war on me before.

And I have noticed actual bona fide tender swimming love and identity with my mom, who everytime I thought of her before, I saw her as judging and criticizing me. Now I see her as wanting to love me, and her being same as me. It is 180 degrees different, and what a wonderful lovely welcomed and unexpected change.

And I see there are changes which went the other way too. In the past month I have had two phone calls with two very old friends, from before college days even. I was the one who made the calls, I am the one who pushed the renewal of the friendship, and when I got off the phone I realized the friendship was over. They had zero interest in me. One I realized never had, and the other if she had, it ended so long ago; that for both of them I simply didn’t exist for them. Both of them just wanted to get rid of me.

So I would describe my own experience-- what did Helen’s Higher Self say? hate changes to love, love changes to hate-- I would describe my experience as love blooming where it hadn’t before; and where it had, that flower has had its day, its bloom is over.... It’s odd there was no sadness, just a fresh brisk feeling, like making space in my mind, like doing yardwork raking up dead leaves. “They don’t like me, maybe they never did. They have zero interest in me, maybe they never had. Out with the old, in with the new.…”

And with the new tender awakening love, where I had never felt it before, it was sweeter than the sweetest pink rose, the true real pink rose of love, there is nothing like it...

Moving to Tucson

desert weed (photo by Rusty Storbeck)

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Moving to Tucson

I didn’t tell anyone we were leaving except our two families, my father provided the funding for it. And I wrote to Bill’s parents in San Diego to tell them.

Altho I did tell my friend Irene, we were on the phone all day together back then, we were best friends and we talked about my move a lot.

But I didn’t tell my neighbors, or all my friends and acquaintances in the neighborhood, because I was in shock about the move. I thought it would help me if each day was normal, until we actually did it. I didn’t want it to be the topic of discussion with everyone. I wanted to be treated as if I was still living in New York and always would, so things would not change.

I told one person, Joey. He was the big brother of a guy I knew in the ‘60s, Victor. And I used to see Joey a lot while I was walking the dog, we had become friends.

I said “I am moving to Tucson,” this was in the school playground where I was throwing the ball for my dog.

“So what else is new!” Joey said.

He didn’t believe me for an instant. Back in New York everyone says they are going to move, but no one ever does move.

It was very interesting being faced with complete and total disbelief. I thought “there is no way to convince someone who doesn’t believe you for an instant, what can you say, ‘I am really going to do it!’ they would just laugh.”

So we had parallel conversation until I happened to mention “the address of my new Tucson apartment is on East 2nd Street.”

And all of a sudden he said, “You rented an apartment there! Then you must really be going to move! Wait this is big, let me buy us both a container of coffee, I want to treat you.”

And I was gratified that now Joey believed me. He came back with coffee for both of us, and he said “I know all about Tucson.”

“Tell me about it! What is it like?” I asked.

He said “it is middle class and you will have to dye your hair.”

And I tried to picture dying my hair red. Everyone dyes their hair red when they dye their hair for the first time. We must all secretly long to be redheads.

The old lady, Mary, had all her stuff set up on the sidewalk in front of my building to sell, and some guys were helping her. And I told them I am moving to Tucson and one of the guys said he had been there.

“What is it like?” I asked.

“There are not many trees” he said.

Which is all I knew about Tucson before I arrived. That I would have to dye my hair and there were not a lot of trees. Altho my Tucson aunt, in one of her conversations, had mentioned something about “on the desert,” so I realized I was moving to the desert. So I pictured Tucson as Arabia as I had seen it in movies.

Which is why I was so taken aback and floored and delighted, when I arrived and found all the flowers here.

My friend Helene, I had told her, she still lived in my neighborhood then, offered to give me the phone number of her friend who has a car service, to drive us all to the airport. And so I called him and the arrangements were made.

And you can imagine my surprise, the Sunday morning before we left (we left in the afternoon of that Sunday) -- when I had Clio at the handball courts and was throwing the ball for her, the young man who was sitting there, who looked a little wasted, as if he had been up all night-- every morning when I threw the ball for Clio at the handball courts, he came in with a container of coffee and looked wasted and talked with me.

I said to him “I am moving to Tucson.”

And he said “I know! I am going to drive you to the airport.”

I was so surprised! But I liked it that someone who knew me and who knew Clio was going to be our driver.

I didn’t tell my neighbors till the morning I left, that Sunday morning I told each one. Altho I must have told Carmine the day before, because when he told his friends in the saloon, he couldn’t remember where it was I was moving. So he said “here! write it down for me,” so I wrote down Tucson Arizona, so he could show it to them.

I didn’t tell my neighbors because I was so close to them and had so many emotions about leaving them. And I didn’t tell the people I was closest to in the neighborhood for the same reason.

And when we sat on the floor in the Newark airport for 5 hours, waiting for our plane, at some point I did start to cry. That is when it hit me for the first time. Before that I had just been thrilled that we had actually succeeded in escaping New York. I had wanted it for so long, and it had seemed impossible, and now I was doing it.

But in the Newark airport it hit me what I was leaving. “I am leaving behind all this love” I thought, and began to wipe away tears.

But my Higher Self said “I would never take you away from love, Annie, you will have even more love in Tucson.” And that reassured me, comforted me, and calmed me down.

A red sun was just setting in Newark when we boarded the airplane. Clio was in a dog carrying case in the baggage department and of course my heart was with her. I had made sure we took a flight which did not involve changing planes because I did not want Clio lost in the changing of planes. Altho we made two stops, where passengers deboarded and emboarded.

We flew thru the night all across America. Altho I still remember seeing all the lights of Phoenix when we stopped at Phoenix.

We were such inexperienced travelers, but luckily my aunt had arranged for the guy who picks her up in his limo, to wait for us in the Tucson airport and drive us to our apartment. It was comforting to us he had one earring and looked like a punk rocker from the East Village. And he helped us find the baggage department so we could collect Clio. Then we got in his limo and drove thru the dark to our new apartment.

After living in our tiny tenement for so long, we were breath-taken by the beauty of the apartment. I could not believe my luck.

“I wonder how long we will be here?” Bill said, as we saw what a great apartment it was.

I was dumbfounded by the question. “We will be here forever” I said.

I had lived in apartments my whole life. I assumed if you find a beautiful apartment at a bargain rent, of course you stay here forever. It is a dream come true..

But exactly one year later we moved into our house. I hadn’t realized Tucson was a place where you could expand.