stories of my life in Tucson AZ and NYC

Sunday, May 18, 2008


"Everything is coming up roses"

I wrote this story yesterday morning, about the afternoon the day before
About me and Ellen at swim pool
Good news, my Lulu is fine

Saturday morning 8:30 am 5/17/08

Well it hasn’t been the easiest of past few weeks, but yesterday my happiness bubbled up again. Gosh it felt so good to be happy again, I had forgotten. It just felt so good. I was so happy to be happy again.

And I guess I owe it all to Ellen. I had just finished my swim, and was near the ladder to get out, and looking around for Bill to let him know. When a woman who was swimming under water emerged right next to me, I realized she had swum under the ropes from the next lane to get to where I was, because I was right by the ladder to get out of pool, she wanted to climb out of pool. But when she emerged, she had Ellen's face. And I hadn’t seen Ellen in a very long time, maybe before the winter even started, back in the autumn.

I met her when I belonged to the Racquet Club, we became friends there, and saw each other regularly. We both joined the public pools at same time, few years ago, when they lowered their prices drastically and became so affordable again. But we don’t always swim at the same public pool. Plus obviously we have different hours. Maybe Ellen swims after work in the evening, or arrives at Billie's pool at 11:30 and leaves by 12:30, and we don’t show up till 1:30. Whatever it is, we hadn’t seen each other in long time and hadn’t expected to see each other, were very surprised to see each other, and happy about it.

And practically the first thing Ellen said to me was, “the last time we saw each other Annie, I had that back pain, and you did something to take it away, and I never had it again for 6 months, and it just came back, can you do something again.”

It was the perfect thing to ask me at the perfect time. I had finished my swim 15 minutes early, and didn’t really know what to do for those extra fifteen minutes. Plus it is something I love to do, take away someone’s booboos. I love the process of it, the doing of it. Plus I was totally caught up in healing Lulu and doing a miracle for Lulu. I was into healing, it was my whole life. For someone to ask me to do a healing is just what I wanted to be asked.

I asked Ellen if she wanted in the water or out in the sunshine, and she said “whatever you did last time.” And I remembered we had done it in the lane together, in the water, because I kept giggling the whole time “someone will think we are lesbians,” and Ellen would giggle back “fine with me.” Ellen is a lesbian and lives with Andrea. And Billie is nice enough to give them a family membership too, to treat them as married couple and get the family membership.

I really didn’t remember how I had done it last time. At first I thought Ellen should float, and then I would run my fingers on her back. But when we first tried that I realized that is impossible because of course Ellen has to breathe, breathing is a big part of it. I had her take off her bathing cap, it seems like the air would have to run thru her hair. Ellen said “can we talk?” I said “you can talk, but I can’t.” Because of course my healing is all about connecting minds with Ellen. What I do specifically is let her love me in my mind, let Ellen say “I love you” to me in my mind. That’s basically the whole thing. But I have to hear Ellen saying “I love you” in my mind the whole time, I have to hear Ellen in my mind.

I’m not exactly sure what Ellen did. I don’t think she walked across the pool, because it seems we floated together, but her head and shoulders were out of water. Maybe we swam together, in some kind of fashion. All I know is I put my body right behind her, as if I were hugging her from behind. That’s why I thought the lifeguards would think we were lesbians, but I didn’t care, and I knew Ellen didn’t care. And then what I do is put my hands and fingers all over her back, as she is saying “I love you” in my mind.

But what I did differently with Ellen yesterday, what I had never done before with anyone, and I guess I have done this 7 times before, with various people. Is I used my head too. I can’t believe I did that. It is such an inspired thing to do. It all must be because of trying to heal Lulu. There was so much healing energy in my head, from all my prayers for healing for Lulu, plus everything I had done to work miracle for Lulu. So I think I kind of locked my head against Ellen’s back, as if I were butting her, kept it in place there more or less, as we floated down lane together. Plus used my hands and arms to run them all over her back and shoulders. I had my eyes closed of course. And also what I did differently this time, is I didn’t stop at her back, shoulders, and arms. I put my hands all over her head, all over her face (I just reached around her neck), her shoulders, even down to her legs occasionally, and the sides of her fat behind. But mainly her arms, back, shoulders, and reaching around to her face, and top of her head. I was very relaxed and secure, assured. Again because of all the healing energy for Lulu, because I had spent the past two weeks working on helping Lulu in my mind, and even with pets on her back too.

I don’t know how I knew it, but I knew I was furnace of healing, and I could just relax and spontaneously do whatever I wanted and it would all work, I knew it would work like a charm. As I said to Ellen before we began, “O good, I am even better at it now than I was then.” And I told her before we began and when we finished, “not only will this take it away now, but it will never come back.” Can you imagine I said that. Where did I get that idea, that confidence. And yet I knew it. And so we did that all the way down the lane. And when I finally stopped, I knew it was enough, and opened my eyes, it seemed we were beached against the rope to the other lane, that is where we wound up. And Ellen just swooned. She opened her arms wide, and either threw her head back or forward, I don’t remember, and swooned, and said “I am so relaxed.” She swooned into the water 3 times in her relaxed bliss.

It was nice for me I was happy. Ellen said she couldn’t even finish her swim because the pain in her back was so bad and now it is all gone. She was so happy and so was I. I said “this is favor to me too Ellen, because I want to heal my puppy dog, and it gives me confidence I can do it.” And she said I am a cosmic person, and an amazing healer. Can you believe someone said such nice words to me, I was tickled pink.

And then we giggled together at the end of the pool. I said “you are a cosmic person too Ellen, look at the cosmic dream you had.” I had posted it on the internet. When I had seen Ellen last in the pool, I had said something like “today begins a new step, a big step, towards the mass awakening on our planet, it all begins today.” And she said “I just remembered the dream I had last night” and she told it to me. And I knew it was prophetic. At that time I wasn’t writing, it must have been during the winter or something. I was just taking down communication from my Higher Self on my New Age blog. So of course I wrote down Ellen’s dream the next morning and had my Higher Self interpret it.

Of course Ellen had forgotten all about her dream, she had no idea what I was talking about, but she did not want to admit it. I giggled and said “I posted your dream on the internet, on my new age blog, if you want to know what you dreamt, I can give you the link, are you on email?” “Yes” she said “I am.” “OK give me your email address and I will send you the link to your dream on internet.” I don’t know why it amused me so much that Ellen would have to press a link on internet to find out what she dreamt.

But whatever I had done in my healing of Ellen sure had a healing effect on me. It simply removed all the dark clouds in my mind. It was exactly as if the Sun came back in my mind, all the joy and happiness flooded back in.

I said to Ellen “I call my New Age blog ‘In and Out of this World,’ isn’t that a perfect name, because it includes everything in the world and everything out of it.” I don’t know why, it suddenly seemed like such a good name, in the pool giggling with Ellen after the healing. I have never once in my whole life before, complimented myself on anything. I have never even once noticed anything that way. It was as if before I was always too up close and personal and in my face, to ever notice anything about me. LOL it’s as if I was a big fly, always flying into my own face, and bugging me, and pestering me. I don’t like saying this, but I think it may be the truth. I think I have always been a huge pest to myself. But suddenly standing at end of lane with Ellen, both of us so happy from our healing, for that one instant (who knows how long it will last) I just was not a pest to myself. I actually saw the name of my New Age blog with appreciation. I thought it was a good name. “Isn’t it a good name!” I said and giggled and giggled. “Yes!” she said, and giggled and giggled.

So then we went into the shower room together and Sherry was there, just starting to take her shower and wash her hair. And starting to tell me the newest episode in trying to get new car tire for her VW car. I said to Ellen “you can share my shower,” and she said “I want to go into Billie to get paper and pencil to write down my email address.” I guess she is curious to read her dream on the internet. And it was the perfect switch to make, to hear Sherry go into details about the odyssey of getting new car tires.

It was very pleasant and amplifying to wash my hair and hear Sherry so excited about locating the new car tires for her car and learning how to read the date stamp on the tire. It’s really why you need an assortment of friends, each one completes you in another way.


by Layla (Flora Edwards)

post script, of course the person heals themself, I just join minds with them in doing it

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